Monday, March 20, 2017


Hello on this beautiful Monday!!!  I hope you had a good weekend.  We went over to the Chicago area (Bolingbrook to be exact) to visit our daughter and the hubs had a philatelic show he wanted to attend in Lombard.  We had a good time!!!

This card was actually started a week ago and I finally got it finished yesterday afternoon.  Not only was last week really busy but my work area was covered with a sheet most of the week because the week before in the oldest part of the house that we've been remodeling, the mudding of the sheetrock was finished up, the walls sprayed with primer and the texturing done.  Even though there was plastic hanging between the areas I still had a layer of fine white dust covering my whole creating area.  I moved everything and dusted my main work counter and die cutting spot (I still have the rest of my creating area to finish cleaning up).  This past week was spraying all the paint and, as I didn't want the dust again, besides the plastic closed, I also covered these two areas with old sheets.  Probably more information than you wanted....  However it is exciting to be this far!!!  

The background of the card is black cardstock.  I put Golden's bead gel through Suzanne's new Elizabeth Craft Designs stencil, Dotty, and let it dry. (stencil on QF or ECD)  The edges were distressed and a light spray of Ranger's Perfect Pearls Mist, Heirloom Gold, was spritzed on. (the mists are discontinued)  The black cardstock is really black (not a light black) but the shimmer throws the camera off.  

The flowers are from Elizabeth Craft Designs, ModaScrap Lacy Poppies.  I cut them from white cardstock, inked them with Distress Inks, sprayed just the flower area with Perfect Pearls Mist, Forever Red, dried them, and inked the edges of the flowers again. 

I used pressed corrugated packaging for the strip across. The strip was cut and then sprayed well with Heirloom Gold.  It looks fabulous!!!!  It's attached to the panel with Tim Holtz Idea-ology Tiny Attacher. 

Smiles is a Suzanne Cannon, Elizabeth Craft Designs die (QF or ECD websites).  It was cut from both white cardstock and a red, speckled cardstock.  The same red cardstock was used for the red layer.  Everything is attached to a white folded card. Finally black pen sketches and a black flower button were added to the largest flower.

I'm entering this mixed media card into the following challenges.  


  1. Very pretty card! If you visit again give me a call. Would love to see you again if there is time.

  2. Wanda, what a lovely card! I love that bold pop of red against the black textured and shimmery background! Wow, what a gorgeous poppy die cut, and so beautifully colored! Thank you for sharing this with us at A Vintage Journey in our All Aboard Challenge! Hugs!

  3. A truly stunning card Wanda, I love that poppy die and you have used it so beautifully here. I also love the way you layered up the 'smiles' die. Thanks so much for joining in our All Aboard Challenge at A Vintage Journey! Anne x


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