Saturday, March 25, 2017

Epic Monkey Man

Hello from rainy Southern Iowa!!  The rain is good as it's been very dry here.  

Tomorrow our grandson turns 17 and this is the card I've made him.  I created it not only with him in mind but also this weeks Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge which is Layer It Up.  

My background is created on Tim's Mixed Media Heavy Stock.  I cut my panel 4" x 5 1/4".  Next I have lots of layers of Distress Oxide Ink.  Once happy with that I inked up the embossing folder and put my paper through my Vagabond.  I actually embossed it first with Fired Brick Oxide ink but things didn't pop enough so I did it again with Black Soot Distress Ink.  There is Distress Paint Tarnished Brass around the edges. 

A pic of just the background. 

The panel behind monkey man is also Mixed Media Heavy Stock, inked with Fossilized Amber Oxide, sprayed with water while drying - dry, spray, dry, spray - and then I added some spots of Cracked Pistacchio Oxide - spray, dry, etc.  Over it I've stenciled Tim's tread stencil with Distress Ink, first Fossilized Amber and then some Iced Spruce.  Around the edges I first put white Distress Paint and then decided I'd like Brushed Pewter better.  The paint did pick up some of the Distress color from below it.  This is attached to white cardstock leaving a small border.  Monkey Man is stamped onto the smooth side of Ranger Watercolor Paper with Archival Ink Jet Black, colored with Distress Ink using a water brush (a few browns and blues), dried and lastly I added Glossy Accents over the lenses.   

I altered the Idea-ology Number Token with Enamel Accents and Distress Paint and used Idea-ology links and brads to attach it to the card.  It swings free.

A few gears, the word Epic, and Enamel Accent dots finish it up.  


  1. I adore this card and these stamps! I love so much this technique, your background is fantastic, great project! Thanks for joining us this week on Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! Barbara

  2. The background is absolutely phenomenal!!!

  3. Cool background. I'm sure your grandson will love his card!


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