Monday, March 13, 2017

Circle Journal #11

Hi!!!  I'm sharing the eleventh journal I worked in for this Circle Journal Swap and it belongs to Tracy.  As you can tell I was still very focused on infusions when I worked on this.  

I seem to of only taken one process picture but it shows the colors of infusions used in the background and then I stamped the leaf image with paint.  Lin Brown stamps used. 

I also used the leaf image over an infusion stamped small background again using sticky embossing powder and foil - this time green foil.  Shading was added with pencil and smudging. 

There is lots of stamping in the background with both paint and ink using a variety of stamps.  Inked corrugated cardboard and a scrap of fibers are behind the foiled leaf piece.

I had an "infusions mixed with paint" stamped leaf left from an earlier play.  I've trimmed it with a border and added it to the pages.  


  1. Delicious journal spread Wanda. I'm loving that infusions-laden background. It's so vibrant that it contrasts so well with the fragility of the leaf. Very inspiring, as always!

  2. Fab page Wanda really love the colours, it certainly does inspire 😃

  3. Gotta love that leaf and how you create such an interesting and many layered backdrop for it.


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