Friday, September 8, 2017

Not at the Expense of the Moment

Hi You!!!  I'm glad to have you either reading on my blog or in an email!!

The theme this week at Simon Says Monday Challenge is STAMPtember Stamp It!  You are encouraged to use Simon Says exclusive products if you have them, but I don't so I decided to get my Wendy on.. that would be pull out some Wendy Vecchi stamps and stencils.

My main panel is 5 1/2" square.  I inked over the whole piece with Distress Oxide Faded Jeans and around the edges with Oxide Vintage Photo, dried it, tapped over the piece with a damp rough cloth and dried it.  This gives a gentle variance to the color and a little bit of oxidation.  After using an anti-static bag, I stamped Wendy's Circle Collage stamp with Embossing Ink and embossed it with White Powder.  Around the outside of the circle I stenciled using her Old Ledger stencil and Distress Ink Faded Jeans.  Inside the circle I stenciled with her Lots of Dots stencil and Faded Jeans.  The quote from her stamp set Exceptional Art is stamped with Archival Ink Jet Black using Tim's Platform so I could stamp it a few times to make it darker.  The ferns are done with Wendy's Ferns stencil, embossing ink, and Wendy signature embossing powders Sunflower and Leaf Green.  I added ink through the stencil, removed the stencil, took a pinch of Sunflower powder, sprinkled it on, and finished with the Leaf Green powder, and heated it.  I did just one or two ferns at a time so I didn't get extra ink where I didn't want it.  Once finished with that I tapped Embossing Ink on the edges and embossed with her Cactus Flower powder.  Next I set a mask over the circle area and splattered white paint over the panel.  The butterfly is from Tim's  Butterfly Duo combination die and embossing folder set.  I cut the butterfly from Mixed Media Card, inked it with Oxides Cracked Pistacchio and Seedless Preserves, put it through the embossing folder and lightly added Distress Ink Vintage Photo over the high spots.  For the antenna I used flower stamens.  I finished it off with some Enamel Accent dots.


  1. What a pretty card! I love the Wendy Vecchi circle stamp, it's one of my favorites. Your butterfly is so pretty and I love the leaves along the border. Truly a lovely card. Thanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

    Cathie ♥

  2. Love the card, especially the Circle and the saying, but also of coirse the over all look of it.


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