Saturday, September 9, 2017

Circle Journal 2 - Month 1

A few months ago we started another Circle Journal Swap.  It's actually their 3rd round but only my second time playing along therefore I'm labeling these posts Circle Journal 2.  For the last round everyone picked a shape.  (You can see my finish up post HERE that has a list of all the posts of journals I worked in)  For this round it was decided to create envelope journals.  It was up to each person what they used and how they created their journal.  I have some very old heavy 9" x 12" purple envelopes that I chose to use.  I think we got these in a box of stuff at an auction like 20-30 years ago.  The color was faded in some areas and even the metal clasp was a bit rusted.  I thought this was a great way to use some of them up!!!!

My cover was made from Kraft Tex Kraft Paper Fabric.  I turned the edges and used a zig zag stitch to sew them.  I left enough paper/fabric to the inside that when I glued the folded-in-half envelope in the raw edges were covered.  The one rule in this swap is to use at least one PaperArtsy product in your creating.  I usually use many!!  I roughly painted the outside of my cover with Fresco Finish Paint.  Stenciled (PaperArtsy Lin Brown PS044) with GrungePaste.  Once dry, put the stencil back on and added FF paint.  Along the bottom I stenciled (PA Kay Carley PS061) using Archival Ink.  The circles in the background are stamped using a plastic ring and FF paint.   The bee and the words are from the PaperArtsy Kay Carley EKC08 set of stamps.  I might do something on the back of the book later but for now left it with just paint.

I did the first spread in the book and each of the 11 other people in the swap will do a spread.  I tucked the flaps in on the envelopes, folded them all in half and then glued each one to the next giving a nice heavy pages to work on and a pocket that can be used in any way.  I included some small tags and each person can use one or two on their spread or keep a couple for themselves.  I chose to glue mine in the pocket leaving part of it showing with a stamped word and some beads hanging.  I used all PaperArtsy on this spread except the face and that is a Stamper's Anonymous image.  The large flowers are GrungePaste through a stencil (PA Lin Brown PS005).  The images in blue and green are from the PA Lin Brown ELB23 stamp set and they are stamped with FF paint.  The pink dots are FF through sequin waste.  The words are stamped with Black Ink and they are from the PA Sara Naumann ESN14 stamp set.  The lines along the left and top of the face are washi tape.


The bee has Wink of Stella on the wings for some shimmer.

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