Wednesday, November 11, 2015


The current challenge over on the Classy Cards 'n Such Blog is Mittens and/or Stockings which immediately made me think about the totally cute mitten stamps that Quietfire Design has and I just had to pull them out and make a card.  All the stamps I used are from Quietfire Design (the mittens, the holly frame, and the word joy).  The holly frame was stamped with embossing ink onto kraft cardstock, embossed with Ranger's weathered white embossing powder, and color added to the leaves with a glaze pen.  The mittens were stamped onto white cardstock with Archival red geranium ink, embossed with red geranium powder, and cut out.  Joy was stamped onto white cardstock with Archival fern green ink, embossed with fern green powder, cut as shown, and the edges inked with red geranium.  The red and white frames are die cut using the Elizabeth Craft Designs die set #1062 Fitted Frames 2 - Lace Squares.  I cut them from soft finish cardstock back with double sided adhesive and the one was then inked with red geranium ink.  Everything is assembled as shown popping up the mittens and word with foam mounting tape.  A piece of twine was used with the mittens.  I didn't have enough green gems to put over all the holes in the frame so colored some pearl ones with alcohol ink.  I started putting them on too soon and got a little ink by some of them.  I might go back and touch that up with white paint or I might just let it be. 


  1. Such a beautiful card! I love the embossing and all the pearl accents around the card frame. Thank you for joining our challenge at Classy Cards 'n Such this week. I hope you will join us again.

  2. Awww, Wanda! I love those mittens! and the wreath - how clever you are! This is absolutely adorable!

  3. This is just gorgeous,love the image .xxx

  4. So cute and creative, Wanda. Love the wreath. Thank you for joining us for the Classy Cards N Such challenge.

  5. Hi Wanda! I really like how you used the mittens and wreath. When I first looked at this card, it brought back a memory from grade school. We always had a neatly decorated lost and found board with stuff pinned to it. I instantly thought of the cork board with the neat framing that was always changing. Thanks for a great memory, and for joining Classy Cards 'n Such challenge. I can't wait to see you at our next challenge!



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