Saturday, November 14, 2015

Leaving White Space - Friends

Hello and Happy Saturday!!!  I hope you are having a good weekend.  

White space...  Leaving white space on a card is hard for me.  I see things all the time allowing white/empty space and they are wonderful!!!!  I've decided to attempt some myself.  It's hard, I have to "make" myself not fill up the background.  LOL  

For this card I've used glossy paper and alcohol inks. I put the inks on my craft sheet, added some blending solution and dipped my card.  Friends is a Suzanne Cannon, A Way With Words, Elizabeth Craft Designs die and I've cut it from Shimmer Sheetz backed with double sided adhesive.  The flower is also an Elizabeth Craft Designs die, #965 Victorian Flower Overlay Set 1, cut from soft finish cardstock. I've added a jeweled brad (Hobby Lobby) to the center of the flower attaching it right through the background. The folded card is white cardstock and I inked the front edges with Distress Ink picked raspberry before attaching the main panel. 


  1. Wanda
    I would never have imagined it was difficult for you because your card showcases the use of leaving white space so beautifully.

  2. Beautiful! I struggle with white space too.


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