Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thankful For You

A fun card!!!!  I made this a few weeks ago and my memory as to the exact supplies is a bit fuzzy.  I used some sprays in the background (Distress Spray Stains and Dylusions).  Then I used Wendy's embossing paste through a stencil.  The inks, of course, bled up through the paste.  I used some Treasure Gold very lightly over the texture.  I sprayed the card with Perfect Pearls Mist.  Lots of fun Washi Tape, white paint dots and splatters, black paint around the edges and a silk butterfly.  The sentiment is a Wendy Vecchi stamp from set #130. 


  1. Beautiful as always. Love the bright colors!

  2. Great background and use of washi tape. I have all this tape and never know how to use it. I will remember how you used it on this card for a future card.

  3. Wanda- you always make such colorful, inspiring projects! This is a perfect example of something I so wish I did. LOL! Love it!!

  4. This is such a joy filled card with that amazingly bold background you created.

  5. Love the really 3D feel I get just by looking at the picture, very interesting how well you make the layers pop!


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