Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Oh, The Possibilities!!!

Hello!!!!  I had a little play with Dylusions paint, along with a bunch of other things.  I've gotten just a few of the Dylusion colors and opened them for the first time.  After gesso, they began the background.  The flower, stem and leaves are also Dylusion images plus I've used a couple of her stencils in the background.  All the stenciling was done with heavy body acrylics (Master's Touch).  The quote is the Fabulous new stamp from Quietfire Design.  The leafy image along the top and bottom is an old Rubber Stampede image.  Besides paint I've also used Posca markers (white and black), Distress markers, and an All-Stabilo pencil.  


  1. Ohhhh....I like this a lot!!! Fabulous!!

  2. This is gorgeous !!! You do awesome backgrounds for your cards/canvases.

  3. ONLY cuteness comes from this lady!! Love, love this little card Wanda!! I'm really liking how Dylusions paint looks in projects! I have yet to take the plunge, but I am sure it is around the corner!! LOL Love the background and that sweet flower Wanda! Just cuteness! :))) Blesings

  4. Gorgeously fresh.


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