Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere

Winter's too close for flowers to be everywhere outside but they can be in our art. Although it doesn't seem like November when it is suppose to be 70 degrees here on Saturday, but then the high on Monday is only suppose to be 34 - crazy, crazy weather.  

Here are 3 more atcs I made for the last swap.  I loved how they turned out!!!  All three backgrounds were cut from one oversized green tag that was printed using a gelli plate.  Back in September I believe, a friend came over and we played a bit with the gelli plates I had recently bought.  At that time I hadn't watched any videos and we just did whatever.  It was a lot of fun and I'm really ready to have another play time with them.  

After cutting the atc pieces from the tag I stenciled a different Wendy Vecchi flower onto each piece with modeling paste.  I love doing these flowers with the paste!!!!  After the paste was dry I added coloring with Dylusions spray ink or with markers.  I attached an Idea-ology piece to each atc after adding paint to the letters.  All the atcs were edged with the tarnished brass Distress stain.

On this first atc, the white dots on the flower are done with a white marker.  I just touched the marker and the spot bled a little which was very cool.  A threaded button for the center.

After coloring this flower I stamped it with Wendy's Studio 490 dot background and added more color with a Sharpie glitter paint marker - very cool!!  I used a white pen around the petals.  The center paper flower was on my work area.

For this 3rd atc I again stamped with Wendy's dot background and added extra details to the leaf.  The center piece on the flower is a Wendy Vecchi Blossom Bucket piece and I colored the flower with a yellow glitter Sharpie paint marker.  


  1. I love your flowers! They are always so bright & cheerful! And I agree - molding paste & stencils are a great combination.

  2. Man oh man! Love those flowers but the backgrounds are smoking hot, girlfriend... love 'em!

  3. These are beyond fabulous! The rich textures you've created and the vibrant colors- Wow!

  4. So bright, especially seen from my neck of the woods, where winter has come and gone at least 3 times already. So this is really uplifting art.

  5. They are lovely so bright and cheerful just what we need this time of year a little spring and summer to dream about warmer weather.


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