Friday, November 9, 2012

Distress Stains on a Tag

Over on the Ranger blog they've announced that the seasonal Distress colors will now be available as stains... yay!!!!  This is great!!!  I love those bright colors!!!  And if you've been to my blog lately you've probably noticed all the bright projects and I love them, but working on this tag reminded me of how much I love the not-so-bright colors too!!  I'm glad we can go with whatever we feel like that day.  

Ranger is giving away some of the new stains and to have a chance to win you can share any project using stains.  Instead of hunting through my blog to find one already posted, I decided to whip up a tag.  I started with Distress Stains on a craft sheet (dusty concord, old paper, and tarnished brass) along with a little water and smoosh, dry, dip, dry, dip dry... that looks good.  What to do next?  I had been looking for a certain embossing folder earlier that I was thinking about using for something else so with folders fresh on my mind I decided to use one.  I chose one of the book covers, embossed the tag, and then rubbed Distress stain brushed corduroy lightly over the embossing.  Stamped the quote and numbers (Tim Holtz) along the bottom with Archival Ink and added white pen around 'fears' and 'dreams'.  I had some Sticky Back Canvas already stuck to some Clearly For Art (left over from another project I'll be sharing soon) with enough space left to die cut the movers & shapers butterflies so did that; added stains to the canvas (dusty concord and old paper) spraying with water to help them blend a bit, added brushed corduroy stain around the edges, and stamped the script (Studio 490) over them with Archival jet black.  I first inked the edges with black then decided to distress them, rubbed brushed corduroy stain over the distressing and sprayed just the edges with water for a little bleeding.  Attached the butterflies with glossy accent.  Dyed the ribbon with the same colors of stain and finished.  

A couple of close-ups. 


  1. Now this is my kind of tag.! Love the butterflies. And thanks I didn't realize there was a give away on the Ranger site for the new distress stains! Have a super weekend!

  2. Very pretty- love the images and the colors too!

  3. Nice tag Wanda !!! I love it when people leave comments on my blog so thank you and I have become a follower of yours. Have a crafty weekend. Greetings from Holland.

  4. Gorgeous colors Wanda! I love your whole design!

  5. Beautiful tag Wanda, I love the colours too, every bit as pretty as your brighter stuff you've been doing lately, which I've just been looking at. Love them all. The wee unique girl is too cute too.

  6. This is such a gorgeous tag. Love the beautiful colors and butterflies... :)

  7. Beautiful colors and textures, Wanda. And one of my favorite quotes!

  8. Wanda, gorgeous tag!!! Congrats on being one of the winners on Ranger's blog! That is fantastic!!! <3 Candy


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