Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tim Class #3... and, yes, more candy!!!

Idea-ology Intrigue was the first class on Sunday!!!  Lots of fun and then we could wear some of our pieces the rest of the day.  It was fabulous to learn how easy it is to turn Idea-ology into jewelry.  I have Tim's book and have looked at his jewelry pieces but hadn't yet tried anything.  Now I'm ready to make more!!!!!  My most favorite thing I learned in this class was the enameled roses.....  Wow!!!!  They were... are sooooooo cool... and so easy to do!!  Paper flowers dipped in UTEE.  You need wire attached to the back so they aren't easily dropped in the hot UTEE.  The effect is amazing!!!!!!!!!  I was at a store today and bought more bead chain and link chain... I'm thinking gifts - and maybe more pieces for me:-))

Today's blog candy includes a seasonal salvage stickers, seasonal masks, a Cuttlebug folder, Distress stickles, and two more Quietfire Design stamps.  I do love my Quietfire Stamps (if I didn't I wouldn't have wanted to be on Suzanne's design team)... a quick reminder that they have an all new website.

Everyone is eligible to win the blog candy.... leave me one comment on this post and I will randomly choose a winner on Sunday, July 3rd.


  1. All those ornaments above look great!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Those roses are adorable. Just paper and UTEE, so easy.

  3. You are going to be all decked out !!! The jewelery is gorgeous and so "Tim".

  4. Great jewelery projects. what fun to take class with tim.
    stamping sue

  5. OMG Wanda, they just keep getting better and better! I love the birds nest one especially!

  6. Oh my, those pieces are all incredible! Thanks for another opportunity to win some cool stuff!

  7. Teach me, pretty please!?!?! Those are just lovely!

  8. Thanks for showing your Jewelry! Great ideas, as I've had the pocketwatch for long time and no ideas came along - it has to be something I I'll copy yours! Thanks!
    Nelda in TN

  9. I love the projects! I need to try some of those.

  10. Up until now, I didn't think I'd be interested in making jewelry, but now I'm going to have to re-think things! Wonderful creations! Glad you enjoyed your classes!

  11. Love the UTEE flowers, how cool is that? All of these are absolutely wonderful!

  12. WAUW all this is just some of the very best, we can ever get from Tim , and you used them sooo perfectly.
    have a wonderful day dear friend.

  13. These are fabulous, Wanda! I've been such a chicken about doing jewelry like things, but these are terrific!

  14. Oh, those are sooooo awesome. Bet T!m would wear them!!


  15. Oh my gosh, Wanda, just look at the jewelry pieces you created. The roses are magnificent. It would be difficult to select a favorite.

  16. wow - you are busy!
    Sandra ltb

  17. Love the flowers and would love to win the blog candy. Thanks for the opportunity!

  18. Wow amazing. Think my favorite is the Journey bracelet. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy too!

  19. these pieces are so cool. what great classes. glad you had a good time

  20. I love your jewelry. Thanks for a chance to win.

  21. GREAT results! luv luv his products! and ...u did good!

  22. This has to be my favorite. I love the jewelry. Need to figure out how to do it. See stuff like this at the craft shows and hate to pay their prices. Can't wait to see it up close. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Wow Wanda, All of your pieces are awesome.... how long was the class, you made so many! Great job, what an artistic journey.

  24. Beautiful! I love the journey bracelet! Thanks for sharing

  25. Like this one - what fun. You'll have to tell more about the pocket watch. Hopefully some place around here sells the empty watch face. Love the idea.

  26. How is it possible to make so many awesome pieces of jewelry in one class? You must have worked like crazy :-) And how fun it must have been. A big WOWEEEE from Norway and your true fan


  27. Paper flowers in UTEE? Who'd a thunk it? Oh yea, Tim would...! I love that you're sharing your worskhop creations -- STUNNING jewelry pieces...!!!!

  28. I've always found it so amazing how the idea-ology pieces work together. Great designs!

  29. What fabulous jewelry you have made. I need to take this class- I need to learn to make some of these artpieces.

  30. Oh more really neat stuff, I love all these designs and so wish I had someone to teach me how to do some of this stuff. anyway they are gorgous
    hugs Jen Rose

  31. Fabulous jewelry to decorate any creation, and they are art pieces on their own!
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Dorly Weitzen

  32. Wow these are great the roses are to die for.. you do such lovely work.
    Love it all.. thanks again for sharing your lovely work...

  33. Isn't it fabulous what you can make with his items? I have a couple of pieces from the class I took.

  34. These look great! Thanks for sharing your class with us - and thanks for the prizes

  35. Love, love, love the jewelry. My favorite is the bird house clock with the nest. Awesome! Thanks for the candy, I'd love to win. Shari (cricutrookie)

  36. Love, love, love the jewelry. My favorite is the bird house clock with the nest. Awesome! Thanks for the candy, I'd love to win. Shari (cricutrookie)

  37. ow- you had a fun time creating!!! Thanks for being so generous!

  38. Again, something I really want to do: Make some Tim-inspired jewelry: These are all beautiful and very wearable.

  39. Wanda your jewelry pieces are Fantastic, what a treat to be able to take all these classes! I'm a lovely shade of green right now. LOL
    hugs Lynn

  40. I haven't been interested in learning how to make jewelry, but I might have to reconsider...I can't believe those blue and yellow flowers are made of paper! They are so vibrant! I would love that piece on a necklace too!

    Darn that Tim...he makes me like what I don't even think I like!

  41. Those jewellery pieces are amazing!! My favourites your Tim classes by far!! Thanks for giving everyone a chance to win!

  42. The jewelry pieces are wonderful. They make me want to pull out all my stash and start working!!! Thanks for the inspiration and the candy it's great.

  43. Awesome!! Tim Holz is one of my favorite designers-you did a great job with your creations.

  44. Oh these are awesome too! I would so love to take one of Tim's workshops!


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