Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tim Class #2.... and more candy!!!

I am thoroughly enjoying everyone's comments!!!  Thank you!!!!  The finishes to "It's a bird... It's a plane... It's..." crack me up - I can't help but smile and sometimes even laugh out loud!!!  Thank you for all the kind comments on my canvas piece!!  Tim is an amazing teacher and inspiration overflowed in that classroom.

The second class - Patchwork Pandemonium - was just as exciting and fun as the first class!!!  We used so many products and tried so many techniques it was amazing!!!!  And once again we got to embellish our hearts out - I do love embellishments... I rarely ever make anything that doesn't have some kind on it.

Now on to more candy.... A blank book, wood mounted Studio 490 stamp (Art Chick), Cuttlebug embossing folder borders, Distress Stickles, and two Quietfire Design stamps.... Thanks again to Suzanne for the Quietfire stamps!!!!

Everyone is welcome to leave one comment for a chance to win the candy.  I'll randomly pick a winner on Sunday, July 3rd.


  1. pretty neat ... thanks for the fun Wanda.
    Sandra ltb

  2. I love your patchworkpiece here with all the different embellisments too. I can imagine how much fun, it would be to join with Tim on his class, as he has so many awesome embellisments and you´ve definately managed to put them together in such a cool way here. It´s awesome.
    Thanks sooo much for the chance to win these awesome goodies here again hun.

  3. Wanda this is awesome! I so envy you getting to do a class with Tim. He doesn't seem to come down to this part of the world so I am doubly envious! Enjoy!

  4. Looks like embelishment heaven :)

  5. What I really like about this work of art is that it is so clearly you. Even under the influence of such a powerfull master you show your personal flair. gotta love that. And what a great piece of art to have on the proud wall.

  6. Oh, and I forgot. Yummy blog candy. We like candy!!!! Especially non fattening candy...

    Today is btw my 31st wedding anniversary, so I am celebrating, win or no win. After all even this prize can not match The Price of my life: my husband.:-)

  7. This looks like so much fun, and all the embellishments just make it even more so. I have a frame that size, I know just what I am going to do with it. Hmm, a trip to the thrift store to look for doo-dads to put on it is in order I think! maxk@mymts.net

  8. This is a piece you could look at over and over and over again, and still find something new. Awesome!

  9. What an amazing framed piece....fun to be had by all...you are so lucky to be taking part!!

  10. Thank you for sharing. I am inspired to create a patchwork piece!

  11. Wow, what fun you had! Love everything about your site. Wish I was at the class with Tim Holtz. Maybe one day!!!!

  12. Would love to be able to take one of Tim's classes. Looks like you had a ball! Great work!

  13. Oh wow love your patchwork piece. So much to look at and enjoy. xx

  14. Your patchwork piece is so well executed...love the colors, the way you added the embellishments, just love it ALL! Wanda the Magnificent!

  15. Wow Wanda, what a great piece of artwork. He has never come to our area even though our stamp stores have ask (Atlanta area) Would love to take his classes oh well, I can certainly enjoy the pics.

  16. you are so lucky to have been able to take classes from tim. he's never been in my area but one can only hope.
    thanks for the chance to win.
    stamping sue

  17. WOw- I love the embossed patchwork sample- which I am sure will end up hanging on your wall! Lucky You-I hope to be able to attend one of Tim's classes one of these days!

  18. looks like you had a lot of fun in Tim's class. I haven't taken a class from him but I did attend a demo he gave many years ago.
    Love your patchwork

  19. Love it, Wanda. That's my kind of quilt!

  20. Your Patchwork has a very different look from others I've seen. And I haven't seen any framed before. Looks great.

  21. Wanda..... I'm glad you got some laughs! This Patchwork is awesome! I sure do like the goodies, the face stamp is so what I like. PICK ME pick me... sorry for shouting, I just get so excited. blessings~barb

  22. Wanda, your patchwork piece from Class #2 is just as awesome as the first class project. I really like your selection of elements; what fun to be working with Tim Holtz.

  23. looks like another cool project. So glad you had so much fun.

  24. fab collages Wanda
    You and T!m really blend.
    thanks for the inspiration

  25. Wanda, I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your work! It's really great to have classes with Tim and great to learn a new way of doing art! There's always something else to learn, isn't there?

  26. Ooooooh, I LOVE that piece of art and I bet you had an amazing time making it too.. .thanks for sharing Wanda! Hugs x

  27. I love the patchwork project! You are so generous for offering all this candy!

  28. Yeah, those were pretty funny! lol! A great piece to sit back and admire...I love it! And..another great giveaway!

  29. Fabulous patchwork wanda! What an amazing class!

  30. Thanks for the opportunity to win-and you are so lucky to get to take a class w/ Tim. One of my dreams.

  31. Wonderful! This would be perfect to use the bits and pieces left over from stamping projects. Hmmm....

  32. The patchwork is fabulous! I would love a class like this.

  33. I'm so jealous, I'd love to take a class from TH. Your work is just wonderful.

  34. WOW !!! I want you to do a class like the patchwork box. I would be the first in line!!! Your's is so awesome.

  35. The patchwork class looked like it was fun. What an interesting way to learn techniques and "patchwork" them together into a lovely pice.

  36. this really looks like it would be a fun class. your choices of embellies with the different backgrounds is great. definitely some eye candy for one of your walls.

  37. What fun!!! Looks like you learn several techniques also. Thanks for the inspiration.

  38. Absolutely precious project you did! Love it! Love it! Nelda in TN

  39. I so wish I could do THIS class! might have to tackle on my own..so so awesome!

  40. Ha, too bad T!m wasn't a trinket hiimself!


  41. I like how bright, or should I say light, this piece is at (he)art.

  42. Wowza! Love-love-love this!!!!

  43. Sweet colors on this piece! Such a lot of work!

  44. oh my goodness the more I see the more inspired I become, your stuff is all just so fresh and fun, love it all so far, are you going to do tutorials (please please) and I to love the stamp of the head, can already see a few projects with that one
    hugs Jen Rose

  45. So cool, such fun - no wonder you enjoyed it. TFS
    The Head stamp is awesome, I wish... well, you know the rest :-)
    Dorly Weitzen

  46. Wow! another great product.. I love how you framed it this is great.. now I want to make one. :-)

  47. You are following Tim's footprints and being very generous.

  48. I am so envious of you, ha! I would love to take a class with Tim, someday. Great patchwork frame, you did a great job. Shari (cricutrookie)

  49. I've kept a link to this piece: I love the Patchwork Pandemonium and, not likely to ever get a chance to do it with Tim, I'm determined to have a go at making one. This is a beautiful example! TFS

  50. Wow an entire week of giveaways and amazing art! You are far to generous!!!
    hugs Lynn

  51. wow, I love your Patchwork Pandemonium project! Out of all Tim's classes this is the #1 for me...I would love the chance to take this one! Yours turned out amazing!

    Thanks for the chance at the giveaway too! You distracted me from my own jealousy!! :)

  52. This piece makes me smile!! So much going on and oh so gorgeous!!!

  53. Hi Wanda! Oh al of these pieces are just fabulous!!!


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