Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MAC #13

Making Art Challenge #13 on the Everything Wendy Vecchi Yahoo Group...

I've had this done since last week but am just getting it put on my blog.  Lori was inspired by the project on page 22 of Wendy Vecchi's first Make Art, Studio 490 Style book when she posted challenge #13 with our challenge to show an image using the brushless water color technique.  This is a fun technique that I hadn't done in a long time.  I chose this fabulous flower image from the Studio 490 set Botanical Art and I needed a birthday card so that was my goal.  I first inked the stamp with Distress Ink stormy sky and peeled paint, did the spritzing and stamped it onto watercolor paper.... Beautiful - except for those 2 tips I didn't press enough :-))  However I wanted the card to be brighter so I changed to Adirondack ink for the actual card... I used sail boat blue and meadow and stamped onto white cardstock (I was being lazy and didn't want to dig out the watercolor paper pad since I was out of handy scraps)... I also used the top of the flower to create a border along the left.  All stamps are Studio 490.


  1. Lovinjg this one in blue Wanda! Very pretty.

  2. Love these colors Wanda, and your tech came out perfect! Thanks for joining the MAC!

  3. Gorgeous. You really inspire me.

  4. Hi Wanda,
    I love the colours!!
    Thankyou for the welcome,everyone has been so nice and you all have really pretty work,Hopefully i can bring my own ideas and creations along soon.
    Hugs Adam


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