Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grungy Monday #7

Linda chose an awesome technique for the challenge this time... get all the details on her blog.... and since I also need a birthday card I thought I'd work it into the technique.  Distress Ink colors used were mustard seed, dried marigold, shabby shutters, stormy sky, and worn lipstick.  The weeds (Tim Holtz) are stamped with coffee Archival.  The sentiment (Wendy Vecchi) is stamped with jet black Archival.  The edges of the background are done with gold Paint Dabber.  The flourish (Tim Holtz die) is cut from grungeboard, inked with peeled paint Stain, embossed with dot matrix embossing folder (Tim Holtz), lightly inked over with forest moss DI, and sprayed with Perfect Pearls mist forever green.  The flowers are cut (Tim Holtz tattered florals) from kraft glassine paper, well crumpled and spread back out, the larger flowers rubbed with fired brick Stain and the smaller flower with wild honey Stain (if you let the stain sit on the glassine for a bit before blotting off the extra and drying, it leaves on more color), stacked, a hole pierced in the center, brad added, and then the petals crumpled back up a bit.  The bird (Tim's movers and shapers small bird) is cut from grungeboard, inked with fired brick DI and walnut stain DI. Tim's Ideology film strip ribbon attached with the Tiny Attacher.  Dots made with black Glaze pen.


  1. This is really lovely. Well done!

  2. Awesome job with the colour blocking! Love the colours you used! Great use of the filmstrip!

  3. Really nice card. I love all the details and color combination

  4. Gret card Wanda. Wasn't this is fun and easy technique!

  5. This si a really lovely card. Great use of the technique, works well with the theme. Great glassine flower.

  6. I like how this card is gender neutral. Not girly girly, but still warm and beautiful.


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