Saturday, October 16, 2010

Imagine and Metal

This was very fun to make!!  It was inspired by Hels' post for the Sunday Stamper Challenge here and I also included metal (Tim Holtz Ideology foliage flowers) to meet the Simon Says Stamp and Show Metal challenge here.  I started with a cheap wooden frame.. added antique linen distress crackle paint to about half of the top and also the sides of that part and let it dry... then added light modeling paste to the rest of the top... let it dry until I could still press the thicker areas but it didn't stick to my finger and pressed an open Tim Holtz texture fade embossing folder (Damask) onto the paste.... lifted and pressed another area, etc... let the paste dry completely.  Used Distress Ink victorian velvet on the paste and dried it with a heat tool.  Rubbed espresso Paint Dabber onto the crackle working it into the cracks and then wiping off the extra with a damp cloth... used a sponge to lightly add some on the high spots of the modeling paste and also dabbed it on the open wood areas and wiped off the extra.   The larger flowers are from Tim's die tattered florals and the small leaves are from the regal crest die all cut from grungepaper.  The rest of the flowers and leaves are Wendy Vecchi Studio 490 stamps on grungepaper... actually all the stamps used in this piece are Studio 490 backgrounds and images.  The layered frame and square on the inside are Maya Road Chipboard.


  1. wow Wanda, its so gorgeous. Love everything. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  2. Very nice Wanda! Pretty colors you used too.

  3. It is beautiful Wanda!! And Happy Anniversary!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ssssooooo....lovin' the whole modeling paste/ embossing folder technique...need to archive that idea!! BTW...the frame is GORGEOUS!!

    thanks bunches for playin' along with the Design Teamies and Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge!!

  6. Pretty clever using the modeling paste and a texture folder! Thanks for joininig us at Simon Says Stamp & Show Challenge Blog!

  7. Wow wow wow this is gorgeous, its so fantastic, gonna have to get some modelling paste now, this is so fab x

  8. Wanda this is beautiful - I really love how you did the frame with the crackle paint and texture paste - that is stunning!

  9. WOW! I LOVE the paste, what a cool idea...and Happy Anniversary, too!

  10. Love, love, love it Wanda! Just wonderful art, and so glad to see someone else using molding paste, wonderful idea to use the texture fade!

  11. Oh WOW, Wanda this is drop dead GORGEOUS!!! thank you for joinin in with the Sunday sTamper... loving the Wendy V vibe :O)) x


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