Monday, October 18, 2010

CCC #18 - Dabber Resist

This week brings us to the halfway point of doing every technique in Tim Holtz's book, Compendium of Curiosities.  If you don't know what this is all about, head on over to Linda Ledbetter's blog, Studio L3, to get all the details.  Linda is an absolutely wonderful hostess!!! 

The Distress ink colors used on the background of my tag are stormy sky and crushed olive... wow, do these look fabulous together!!!  All stamps used are Tim Holtz images.  The bird/branch is stamped using a black paint dabber.   The bottom of the tag is cut with an On The Edge die.  There has been talk about the tissue tape flower the cruisers did in one of their classes and I just had to try one... pretty cool, but next time I'll start with a little larger circle.  The green piece under the tissue tape is a juice bottle lid.  If you haven't seen any of my plastic bottle cap flowers, take a peek at this post and this post.  This time, however, I've used a much larger cap than the ones from the water bottles.  The edges of the tag and the bottle cap flower are dabbed with the gold paint dabber.  Also used is Tim's Ideology film strip ribbon, memo pin, and accoutrement.  Some gold cording and green lace to finish things off. 


  1. Fabulous as always Wanda! I've just been making my entry for this week's challenge which isn't quite finished yet and it's a great technique even though I couldn't quite get the distress ink off my white as much as I'd like :D. Your bottle cap flower is wonderful too, it's a really great idea. :D

  2. OH your quick. I love the bottle cap flower. i am still deciding on what I want to make for this challenge. It will be my first since I just got the book.

  3. Oh Wanda. Those colors are fabby together. Love it. I saved a few covers and caps in various colors and cut them into flowers too. Haven't used them for anything but they are on my desk. Need to figure out how to get them flatter.

  4. Mmm, you're right, those colors are fab together! Love this tag, Wanda, that flower is awesome, and the bottle cap flower is brilliant!

  5. Thanks for telling us the source to make one of flower centers you used on this card and previous ones. Your CCC challenge piece is fantastic!

  6. Just gorgeous! those colours do look fabulous together. Love the flower, off to go look at your other bottle cap flowers now.

  7. Your colors do look great together- love your tag- the bottle cap flower looks great!

  8. Wanda, this is really something! Great colors and special touches.

  9. Very how it turned out, the black really pops with this one.

  10. Haven't tried this color combo before but will now. Lovely tag!

  11. looks like an interesting tag. Will ahve to come back later and take a gander at the rest of your stuff. Am at work at the moment and we're moving.

  12. I love your color combination and that bird is a favorite of mine. Very CREATIVE tag.

  13. I like your tag! And the bottle cap is a great idea!

  14. This is wonderful, spectacular colour!

  15. Totally fabulous & so creative Wanda! x

  16. This is so awesome! Love the colors and the flower is fabulous!

  17. Wow, Wanda, this is just awesome! You did the dabber resist perfectly, and that flower is brilliant! I'm so glad you posted the link to the technique-- that's one to bookmark, for sure!

    I love the colors you used, and little film strip is a great embellishment. "Creative" is definitely the word here-- it's a wonderful work of art!

    Thank you so much for your kind words. :-)

  18. I love the way you pack so much into one tag and it works! Must get some of that tape and try those flowers.thanks for sharing

  19. Oh wow its totally fabulous, your resist is great, love everything about it. Annette x

  20. Yes, indeed. Love the colour combo. The resist works a treat here, and your flowers are terrific.


  21. Creative idea with the paper tape flower!! Your resist tag looks beautiful!!

  22. this is stunning. wish I could see this one up close.


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