Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thank You Card

If you are following along with Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas this year then this will look familiar... it's based on his Day 2 tag. The card is 4 1/4" x 5 1/2". I used the large frame image from the set Tattered Elements and the flourish from the set Sketch Elements (Tim Holtz, Stampers Anonymous). "Thank You" is from Quietfire Design. Distress Inks antique linen, dusty concord, faded jeans, and a little aged mahogany. Archival Ink jet black. The "stitching" is done with the Inkssential pen. Otherwise I did follow along with the directions on Tim's blog.


  1. What a beautiful card, Wanda! That's one of my favorite color combos, too.

  2. beatutifull Love the purply-blue colors in the background. Great combo :)
    Linda van Vliet, Holland

  3. very nice. I see you're using the techniques from Tim's day 2. Love the rose.

  4. Beautiful Wanda! Love the colour combination. A real winner!!

  5. Very pretty card. Love the color combo.

  6. I'm following him, and it's beautiful! You really nailed the same look without being a total copycat! Love the colors and that flower accent that he showed!

  7. Great card, and loving the technoiques Tim is showing..lots of inspiration:)


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