Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Tag

It's a beautiful white day today... we'll probably have about 12" of snow by tomorrow and the winds are supposed to really kick up and give us a blizzard. This is on top of the 4-5" we got Sunday night. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... but living in southern Iowa means there is a chance all this snow could be gone before it gets here. In the meantime I had a great time making this tag based on Tim's 7th day of the 12 Tags of Christmas. The main image I used is from Time to Stamp and once I got to the end of the tag it looked to me like the image was too small and didn't really stand out so I put some German Scrap around it. The flourish image I used is from Inkadinkado... other images are Tim Holtz.


  1. Truly lovely, Wanda! That German scrap is special, too.

  2. Please keep the snow there! We have just a dusting...that's what they call it.

    And this tag is gorgeous!!!! LOVE it!

  3. I haven't started my tags yet. Your tag looks great!

  4. Wonderful Tag! I love the image and the German Scrap. I made it to Day 3, I just do not have time to keep up- but I love the techniqques and that there is no 'coloring'!!!

  5. Beautiful Wanda! You did a great job with the flourishes, and I love the white on the philosophy tag letters.
    The German scrap is just right around the picture.
    Oh, and did you send me the SNOW and sleet that's falling right now? LOL!

  6. this is a great tag. i also like the card in the previous post. i have been cutting 4x5 pieces of file folder that i want to use to learn Tim's techniques using regular, non-holiday stamps. that way if they turn out okay i can use them as card fronts.


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