Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Laminate Chip Hanging

This was a lot of fun to do. I decided to try Wendy Vecchi's pigment and pearls technique on a laminate chip that is about 3 1/2" x 5". It worked great. I used Adirondack pigment inks sail boat blue and bottle and sunflower perfect pearls in the spray bottle. Stamped the Tim Holtz quote image with Versafine black ink and embossed with black detail embossing powder. The flourishes were stamped with Archival ink jet black. Added gold speckles with a Krylon paint pen and blitzer. I put some Rock Candy crackle paint here and there, let it dry. Added a thin coat of Glossy Accents wherever there wasn't any crackle paint. Applied the gold mesh ribbon to the bottom with heavy gel medium. The rose is done with grungepaper and inked with Adirondack pigment inks. Attached rose and ideology leaves with heavy gel medium. Added Rock Candy Distress Stickles around the edges. Punched two holes in the top using the Cropadile to add chain link and jump rings (Ideology). Tied key (Ideology) to bottom with blue ribbon.


  1. OMG, how gorgeous! You did a fabulous job with the rose....just love it!

  2. this is wonderful, I must try the technique!

  3. Love the colors and the rose - terrific! I have a few of those chips - will have to figure out where I put them!

  4. Wanda
    this is a gorgeous piece! lovely work!

  5. This is beautiful. I would never have thought formica chip. Maybe I should get the ones I've been hoarding out and play. Yes winter is coming and hopefully I will have time then.


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