Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Enjoy What You Have ATC

I was cleaning up my working area and came across this atc sized piece of cardstock that was painted with Distress crackle paint and just had to do something with it. The paper with the words on it is from a Dove chocolate wrapper - also laying in my work area. The leaves ribbon I picked up in Davenport, also got some silver... cool stuff. I stamped a background image over the crackle paint with Distress Ink broken china and embossed it with clear ep. Glued on the leaves, torn out words, and small piece of German scrap that was also laying there. The flowers are punched from grungepaper, colored with broken china ink and stamped with various background images. Added the flowers and letter beads. Used the inkssential pen to add white "stitching" and dots.


  1. I've loved this ribbon since the day I found it. Works so great!
    Love this piece.


  2. Beautiful, Wanda!

  3. Love it Wanda and great message! TFS Astrid

  4. Ohhh! That's soooo pretty!! You make the coolest things :)

  5. This is beauiful Wanda. Love that leaf ribbon.


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