Sunday, April 26, 2020

Who You Think You Are

Hello!!!  I know, very long time no blog.  If you are still following here, I hope you are doing well during this time.  I am currently not welding as much as I was and I've been enjoying getting some creative time in.  I've been posting a lot on Instagram and have thought about a blog post for a couple of weeks and today is the day.  If by chance you don't know, Tim Holtz has been doing FB live demos every week since the middle of March and they are chocked full of information, techniques and inspiration.  Can they still be seen you ask?  Yes!!!  Besides finding them on FB you can find them all on Tim's blog.  Really, they are so good!!  If you have time, I totally recommend working through them. 

So let's get started with the card I'm sharing today.

I had been playing with a technique that was shared using Distress and Distress Oxide sprays along with stencils and wanted to use one of those pieces and I chose the one in the front.

I stamped a quote from a pretty old set of stamps using Archival Ink and quickly embossed it with Distress Embossing Glaze, hickory smoke.  *did you know that all, every single one, of the stamp sets made by Stampers Anonymous never retire.  They are always available from Stampers Anonymous because they manufacture them.  Even if they don't currently have the set, they will make one if you order one.  How Cool is that!!!!

Doesn't that embossing glaze look fab!!!

Tim did an extra demo in the middle of a week focused completely on Sizzix.  One thing talked about were the Embossing Diffusers.  I hadn't used any in a very long time and had to get them out.  After embossing with the large piece, I set the oval piece over the middle and added ink around it (yes, he demoed this) to really define it.

Ink was added around the edges of the piece.

On a different day I spent some time creating some butterflies using the flutter stamp set and dies and embossing glazes on heavy vellum.  I had these 2 butterflies that weren't yet used on a project and thought they would look perfect. 

Don't they look fabulous on the vellum.

One of the things shared yesterday was a shabby chic technique that I needed to play with.  For this piece I used Distress Paint colors black soot and forest moss for the base and then after stamping and embossing with glaze I used shabby shutters. 

I cut the whole pack of Wildflowers Set 1 from Blackout Kraft-stock and then lightly misted them with tarnished brass Mica Spray.

I thought some metallic to catch your eye on the shabby chic piece would be nice but wanted to keep it subtle so used the Mica Spray for that also.  I shook up the bottle, removed the sprayer, and put the brush bristles down into the bottle to get the liquid onto them.  Yes, they do fit and it worked perfectly.

It's just the right amount metallic.  You don't hardly even notice the spots unless the light hits them.

You can see a piece of Blackout Kraft-Stock that is just a little bigger than the quote panel.  That piece was sanded to bring out the texture.  The edges of the shabby chic piece were distressed and inked with shaded lilac Distress Ink.

There is foam mounting tape between the blackout layer and the shabby chic layer.

The flowers aren't completely glued down allowing some slight bending of areas.  The butterflies are attached only in the body area.  All gluing was done with Collage Medium Matte.

If you are still here, thanks for following along.  Hopefully you'll be seeing more blog posts from me.  I actually did not edit any of these pictures to save a large amount of time.  Please let know if things looked good to you or not so much!!



  1. Beautiful piece! I look forward to seeing more of your creations.

  2. Oooh, la, la! I love that shabby background. I haven't seen any of the demos, save one, and that took me about 2 weeks to get through. Someday...I need to find how to do the shabby background though. Very cool! Did you use Weathered Wood embossing glaze? I need a gallon sized bottle of this color! Fabulous design you've made, and yes! I always forget about the diffusers. Thanks once again, for the inspiration! Now I am caught up for 2020! It has been such a wonderful morning browsing your blog! Sending you great a big hug!


I'm so glad you've stopped by!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!! YOU are appreciated!!!