Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Where Words Fail

Hi There!!  I'm sharing another project today that uses a brand new Quietfire Design stamp, Where Words Fail.  I'm also using Seth Apter embossing powders made by Emerald Creek.  The use of the embossing powders on this project is inspired by Gwen Lafleur and projects she has shared on her blog using Seth's powders. 

My substrate is a 4" X 6" Dina Wakley Media Board.  Using Distress Collage Medium Matte I attached an old piece of music paper to the center area of the board.  A light coat of PaperArtsy Buff Fresco Finish paint muted the music printing.  I stamped the quote onto Tim Holtz Idea-ology Plain Collage Paper, tore it out and glued it on with the Matte Medium.  
Now for the embossing... Over the area where the music and quote is I tapped on VersaMark ink and embossed it with Vintage Beeswax.  I did a second layer of ink and powder and while I was melting the Vintage Beeswax I also sprinkled on some Ancient Amber.  You catch the metallic of the Ancient Amber as you move the piece but it doesn't show up too well in the pictures.  I made a mask by tearing a scrap of copy paper and added a band of VersaMark ink above and below the words.  This is embossed with one layer of Dirty Sand.  The next band of color is Patina Oxide.  I have an older bottle of embossing ink with no label and I painted this on with a brush to add the Patina Oxide.  I did two layers.  Finally I used Golden Heavy Gel Medium and Deep Sea Powder.  I did one layer and then added a second layer over part of it so I have some lighter looking blue and darker looking blue.  
The very edges of the panel are painted with PaperArtsy Gold paint.  Some craft thread and a music charm finish the piece.  

I LOVE how this came out!!!  I hope you do too!!

Hugs, Wanda


  1. Love, LOVE, L O V E this piece! It so very much looks like a view of the oceanscape! I just got some of these embossing powders so it's neat to see the effect they can bring to a piece of art. Thank you!

  2. I love this Wanda! The moment I saw all that awesome texture I knew it had to be Seth Apter's baked textures. You rocked them!!! :)

  3. WOW!!! The embossing on this is amazing! Gorgeous transition to colors, and love the layers!

  4. This is so beautiful. the color choice, the texture and the words. And the music note just tops it off.
    Susan, St. Albert, AB

  5. So cool, you rock Even when «baking»!


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