Saturday, March 4, 2017

A Possibility

Hi There!!!!!  I hope you are having  a good Saturday!!!  

I'm entering this project into two challenges.  Simon Says Monday Challenge - Based on a Book... and also the PaperArtsy current challenge - Paints With Infusions.  

I'm working on a piece of PaperArtsy Heavy Smoothy paper that measures about 3 1/2" x 6".  I painted (all paint used in the project is Fresco Finish Paint) it with South Pacific, dried it, scraped on Crackle Glaze, let it mostly dry, painted over it with Antarctic and let it completely dry.

Next I sprinkled Infusions Are You Cerise in the center of the panel, brushed over it with Matte Glaze spreading the color, sprayed droplets of water over the panel....

...let it sit a bit and then blotted up the water.  How cool is that!!!!

After that I forgot about taking pictures until I was done.  I've used pieces from a book page edged with Distress Ink Evergreen Bough and Washi Tape going up and down.  There is also some stamping (All stamps are PaperArtsy Lin Brown - a few different sets).  I painted another strip of book page with Antarctic and then stamped the words on it, tore it in half and attached the pieces with Washi Tape.  The flower (2 of them) was stamped on book page, colored with a waterbrush and Distress Inks, cut out (a whole flower and then just the center part), layered up with foam tape and a button put in the center.  More stamping in two of the corners. Oh, I splattered on some thinned Little Black Dress paint before attaching the flower.  The edges are painted with Vanilla which in places tinted as it dried from the infusions. 


  1. Wanda,
    This is fabulous!
    I really love your bottom layer idea- this technique worked so well- the results are wonderful!
    Gorgeous colors on this piece! Thank you for sharing!
    Jackie ")

  2. Hi, love love love the background such an ingenious idea. The colours n composition work so well together. Xx

  3. It's a brilliant technique Wanda. I love it. I must try that water over the matte glaze and infusions. I really love the result.

  4. Such beautiful colours and I adore the combo of crackle and Infusions. This is such a lovely project. xx

  5. This is fabulous Wanda, love the idea of going over the infusions with the glaze 😃

  6. Stunning piece Wanda! Spring atmosphere colors and fab cracks. Love it. xx

  7. Oow fab technique Wanda, will be giving the background a try. X

  8. Masterfully created fly a technique whizz. I love how your style really stands out, it is very personal in ITS way of communicationg,

  9. This is amazing, love the technique with the crackle. It's stunning! I need to get me some of those mediums too. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  10. Gorgeous as always! Love the flower!

  11. This is so beautiful Wanda! you were inspired. love the effect of the water droplets. x

  12. Turned out very well mom!! It flows splendidly!!!

  13. This is amazing wanda, it's not just a possibility, it's a definite Yes!

    Lucy x

  14. I would never have thought to layer this color of Infusions over your crackled teal background, but the result is beautiful! Great inspiration. Hugs, Autumn

  15. The Distressed Infusions over the crackle looks really good and I like all the stamping details, great make!


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