Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Handmade Journal Cover

Hello!!!  I made this journal cover for our daughter-in-law for Christmas.  She had put a leather journal on one of her Pinterest boards as something she'd love to have and it was a wonderful, handmade journal and quite expensive.  It had gun shells/bullets/casings - whatever they are called- on it and lots of wonderful details.  This is certainly not close to that but it was made with love.   The material is Kraft-Tex and it was the first time I had used it.  It wonderful stuff!!!!   After cutting a piece the size I wanted, I dampened it and then crumpled it over and over.  After lots of wrinkles were made I inked over them with Distress Ink, lightly misted on a bit more water and then left it to dry.  Looks fab, huh!!  The two strips across the pens and casings are also Kraft-Tex without the wrinkling.  The top one is edges a bit with ink and the bottom one is not.  I used glue and folded all the edges in.  After that I used eyelets to make the flaps that hold both covers of a purchased mixed media paper journal and for attaching the strips to the front.  I didn't want to glue the shells so went outside and found a stick to sew below them so they wouldn't push out when putting the Micron pens in and out.  The pens are all black and each has a different size tip.  God gifted her with a talent for drawing and she really likes the Micron pens.  


  1. This is amazing! Had a fun day journaling with Krista!

  2. Amazing!! I would love to make something like this for me!!!!

  3. This looks totally cool, Wanda! Will have to have her show it to me. Great job :)

  4. What a wonderful gift and so personal. Stunning job on the design and great use of Kraft-tex.

  5. Love this so much!! Got to see it when they came out in January. You did an amazing job!! Little late on the blogging though lol 😜


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