Friday, October 28, 2016

RubberStampMadness Holiday 2016

Hello, Friends!!!  
Thanks so much for being there even though I'm not posting much at the moment.  We are making progress on the house and I hope to have a bit more creative time (and blogging time for things I haven't shared yet) in the near future.  In the meantime, I'm thrilled to once again have something published in RubberStampMadness.  This 2016 Holiday issue is wonderful.  Along with lots of holiday inspiration is an article that focuses on tags.  There are 13 different tags in the article and one of them is mine (insert happy dance)!!  I share picture space with Sue Wisniewski, isn't her tag beautiful!! 
My tag uses mostly paints and Clare Lloyd stamps from PaperArtsy

I hope all is well with you and that you are having a good week!! 
Hugs, Wanda


  1. Congratulations Wanda. I love your tag, but then again I love Clare's girls so much that I love all art made with them. They are so irresistible. Love your colours! Great to see you in such a prestigious mag. You so deserve it. Hope the house renovations are almost completed now and you can get back to some sort of normality and create your wonderful art!

  2. I love these tags! You did a great job on yours. Biggest congrats on this special honor. Hugs, Autumn

  3. Way to go. I'll have to go get the magazine and check it out.

  4. congratulations Wanda! your tag looks great. It's a pleasure to be on the same page with you.
    still waiting for my magazine....hopefully in today's mail.
    stamping sue

  5. Well deserved Wanda. Your tag is great. Fabulous background for the pretty girl.

    Lesley Xx


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