Thursday, January 21, 2016

Laugh Every Day!!!

"Laugh" is cut using the new A Way With Words die.  It's cut from white cardstock with Clear Double Sided Adhesive on it and then it's glittered with Silk Microfine Glitter Warm Diamond.  I had got it ready for a different project but then changed directions and it's been laying in my work area looking oh, so pretty that I needed to get it used before something happened to it.  I also still have some shaving cream technique background papers in my work area so I've used one of those.  I cut the piece down to a rectangle and was going to corner punch it but then I messed that up.  I loved the yellow and pink and how it swirled so to save it I just cut the corners as shown.  I stenciled Distress Ink Picked Raspberry through the Tim Holtz Flourish stencil at each end, glued on the Laugh die cut, and wrote "Every Day" with a Pitt pen.  I attached the piece to black cardstock and cut a small borner.  I folded white cardstock for the base, lightly inked Distress Ink Squeezed Lemonade around the front edges, used the Flourish stencil again on the left end with Squeezed Lemonade, stenciled the dots (The Crafter's Workshop stencil) with Distress Ink Black Soot and attached the Laugh panel.  The stem and flowers are die cut (Elizabeth Craft Designs CountryScapes Mini Botanicals - Clematis, Ivy) from White Cardstock.  The stem was sprayed with Distress Spray Stain Mowed Lawn, dried, Green Pan Pastel brushed here and there and then glued to the card.  The flowers were cut from a scrap of the shaving cream background paper, shaped with a stylus and mat, glued on and a drop of Glitter Glue put in each center.  Finally I shadowed Laugh using an All Stabilo pencil and waterbrush.


  1. Love the sentiment and the card is so beautifully done. Looking forward to seeing more of your creations.

  2. So bright and vibrant and fabulous sentiment, I've been looking for a tiny dot stencilxx

  3. Good job reaching past your comfort zone.

    From Valerie Garrison in Joanne Sharpe's 2016 Artfully Inspired Life class.

  4. Good job reaching past your comfort zone.

    From Valerie Garrison in Joanne Sharpe's 2016 Artfully Inspired Life class.


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