Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Each and Every Day

Hey There!!!  I hope you had a good Christmas!! Since our daughter was able to be here, her and I got to spend a little time being arty, just playing.  I started this page and finished it up today.  The hubby got me a wonderful set of Neocolor IIs and I used them to add the color inside the circles (over some gesso) and on the edge.  The background color was done with Dylusions Paints.  There is also some Posca marker on there.  Before any paint I put gesso on the page using a palette knife getting thicker and thinner areas and while it was still wet added texture with a Catalyst Wedge.  Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!!  I first wrote the words with a black Posca marker and it would sometimes splatter a bit as I went over texture, which was fine!!!  I've also used a metallic gel pen, a white gel pen, and did some thickening with a bold Pitt Pen.  

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