Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Quietfire Sentiment of the Season Blog Hop - Day 3

Welcome to the Quietfire Sentiments of the Season Blog Hop! We’re celebrating the season with projects using our favourite Quietfire sentiment stamps and dies.  We have some great ideas to share with you!

We’re giving away a prize on each of the Sentiments of the Season blog posts.  The posts will be on Designers’ personal blogs and one on Quietfire Creations.  All you have to do is leave a comment on the Sentiments of the Season blog posts and you will be entered for a chance to win a Quietfire stamp or die from that blog.  Each designer will randomly choose the winner from their comments. 

Here is our schedule:

Day 1- Monday November 23 : Teresa and Yogi
Day 2 -Tuesday November 24: KathyJo and Judi Kauffman
Day 3 - Wednesday November 25: Wanda (that's me) and Yvonne
Day 4 - Thursday November 26: Robyn and Selma
Day 5 - Friday November 27: Diana and Suzanne

If you get lost, just hop back to the Quietfire Creations blog to find all the links!

The deadline for leaving comments is Sunday November 29, 2015 at midnight PST.  Winners will be posted shortly afterwards here and on Quietfire Creations.

Good luck and have fun!

I'm using stamps from the brand new Quietfire set - Flourished Ornament.  A gorgeous set that includes an ornament and 3 different flourished words that will fit inside.  The words can also be used without the ornament making this a set that works all year long.

The ornament is stamped onto white cardstock with embossing ink and embossed with Queen's Gold powder.  "Joy" was stamped with embossing ink and embossed with red geranium powder.  I used Distress Ink cracked pistachio along with water and a paint brush to add color to the inside of the ornament.  A gold brad and gold string create a hanger.

The red frame is an Elizabeth Craft Designs die - Fitted Frames 2, Lace Squares.  I cut it from soft finish cardstock backed with double sided adhesive,  inked it with Archival Ink red geranium, and adhered to the white cardstock leaving a border around the frame. 

For the next layer I began with Ranger's glossy cardstock, stamped one of the snowflakes from the new Quietfire set - Let it Snow Snowman with Ranger's resist ink repeating until I had enough snowflakes.  Next I inked over the piece with cracked pistachio (no need to ink the center) adding enough ink to bring out the pattern of the snowflake.  I then flicked some water over the piece, blotted it and dried it.  

I attached the main panel to the green panel with foam mounting tape, wrapped the hanger to the back and taped it down.  This was then attached to the 5 1/2" folded white card.

Finally I added the 2 dark green flourishes.  These are a die from the Elizabeth Craft Designs set - Flourishes & Branches.  I cut them from soft finish cardstock backed with double sided adhesive.  The backing paper was removed and silk microfine glitter - forest green - added to the adhesive rubbing it down well.  I attached the flourishes with glue leaving the ends loose.


  1. How beautiful the "joy" looks hanging from your ornament. Loved the brad idea too
    Dr Sonia

  2. A joyful ornament! love the gold embossing and perfect die cuts, showcased so well this joy sentiment in red!

  3. Beautiful card! I love the Flourished Ornament set!

  4. Great card and love the color combo...Jan D., FL

  5. It's lovely :) With such beautifully scripted 'words' you can keep the rest quite simple too.

  6. Very pretty card! I really like the ornament and the joy sentiment, especially with all the swirls!! Beautiful set of stamps!!!!

  7. Lovely way to use Suzanne's ornament sayings! They sure pop against the cracked pistachio ink. Great color scheme paired with red. So many good ideas in this blog hop. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. very pretty. good combo of the flourish die with the stamp flourish. Have a great day

  9. Beautiful card and lovely colors. Great idea adding the extra flourishes.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  10. Beautiful and elegant card, Wanda! Love the frame, flourishes, stamp, and your clean finished look. I particularly like how you flicked some water over the background...stunning! Thanks for sharing! :)

  11. Elegant, classic and gorgeous! What a wonderful fun card with that beautiful script. Great tutorial and the lucky recipient of this card is going to ooooo and awwwwww over the card for the whole season.

  12. Gorgeous colours and nice layout!

  13. Simple design--so effective

  14. very elegant. Love the flourishes above the ornament.
    The green color is shaded sonicely.
    Beautiful card.
    thanks for sharing.

  15. So pretty -- love the colour combo you used and the resist technique for the background.

  16. Such a gorgeous card and beautifully made! I like the colours you have used and the green flourishes are brilliant. They really finish it off and give it movement...INSPIRED!!!!!

  17. I would never have thought to use my Elizabeth Craft die like this so many thanks for your inspiration and lovely card.

  18. Love your card. One of my favorite stamps.

  19. Love the Joy. Will that be a diecut someday? Would love it if Peace was a diecut too. Hint hint. :-)

  20. Love the Joy. Will that be a diecut someday? Would love it if Peace was a diecut too. Hint hint. :-)

  21. this is gorgeous and versatile too.

  22. Lovely enough to frame and keep for many seasons to come!

  23. Beautiful card love the ornament and the design

  24. Lovely card Wanda, love how you strung the ornament and the gold embossing is so luxe! Thanks for sharing!!

  25. Beautiful card; LOVE this new stamp set. Thanks for sharing

  26. Love this project and the ornament stamp!

  27. Gorgeous! Love that
    Joy design.
    Carla from Utah

  28. GORGEOUS card Wanda!!!
    LOVE your colour combo and ELEGANT design!!!
    WOW - your flourishes are AN ABSOLUTE DELIGHT!!!
    THANK YOU for sharing your RECIPE FOR AWESOMENESS :)

  29. How beautiful. Just loving these ornate words for inside the bauble. So versatile! Love your frame and also the resisted background with the snowflakes, beautiful card!

  30. Wonderful techniques on this lovely card. Using the gold brad and string was a great idea.

  31. How pretty, I love the bauble.
    Rene from OZ xo

  32. I am a minimalist and this card is a perfect example, simple and clean. Love it!

  33. So very pretty! Thanks for the inspiration!

  34. Lovely card. I like the color combo.

  35. Love the stamped ornament and colours are bright. Love it!

  36. The simplicity of the card gives it an everlasting beauty

  37. Awesome card Wanda. Loving the ornaments!

  38. Very pretty Wanda. Love the flourish embellishment.

  39. LOVE love love the colour combination, and can't wait til Monday, when my Floursihed Ornament set should be here!

  40. A very lovely card. I like the colours you used.

  41. Lovely card. The ornament is beautiful.

  42. Such a pretty card! Thanks for spreading joy!

  43. When I was a little girl, I asked my uncle what he wanted for Christmas and he said "JOY". I thought very hard about how to do this and came up with a Christmas card on which I carefully printed "JOY". Your beautiful card made me think of my uncle's smile when he opened my gift.

  44. This is a simple but beautiful card. Nice job

  45. Beautiful! Love the cracked pistachio green colour.

  46. A lovely card as an gift ornament. Thank you Wanda!

  47. Plain and pretty. Love cards like this.
    Ann Robbins

  48. Lovely! And the very small, elegant touch of micro fine glitter is perfect! Just the right amount! Loved the depth of color the red geranium gave. It was nicely set off both by the forest green and the cracked pistachio. Gorgeous card...thanks for sharing, Wanda.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This is sweet perfection Wanda. Love the colours and layout.

  51. OH! Best card og the year? You have my vote, this hits all the right spots! So elegant, yet so warm and 'jivin'! Beautifully executed, and those QF stamps and dies are to die for.


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