Thursday, September 10, 2015

New PaperArtsy Sara Naumann Stamps

Hi There!!!!!!!!!!  

I hope you've been following along over on the PaperArtsy Blog this week as they've been sharing all the new fall releases.  Today focuses on two new sets by designer Sara Naumann (ESN17 & ESN18) and I got to work  play with them.  I had a lot of fun creating with these stamps!!!!  So much so that I made more samples then was required.  I'm sharing four cards today and will share two more tomorrow.  Sara's chosen color palette for these release samples is London bus, mermaid, guacamole and glass blue.  

Here is today's video (also found on the PaperArtsy Blog).

Before the stamps even arrived in my mailbox I had those colors out and took them for spin by brayering some smoothy card with them.  It's a piece of that sheet that I've used to start this first card.  I had also printed a picture of the stamp sets so I could be looking and thinking about what I might want to do when the stamps arrived.  I needed to be quick when they arrived and get the samples back into the mail to PA headquarters to arrive in time for this week.  I had been pondering the leafy stem image (and coloring it in) when the thought popped in to make a solid stamp from fun foam to coordinate with it.  I thought that might be very cool and did just that when I got the stamps.  I took a piece of fun foam that already had adhesive on one side, stamped the leaf image onto it, carefully cut it out, peeled off the backing from the adhesive side and stuck it to a piece of heavy plastic packaging.  Wah-Lah... a coordinating stamp... almost....  when stamped and then trying to stamp the line image over the solid image, they didn't line up exactly.  I should have had a print lying under the plastic to use as a guide for the fun foam piece as I stuck it down but I didn't think of it soon enough.  I could have made another one but decided it was just fine, they didn't have to line up!!!    

So for this first card I started with a piece of the brayered background, stamped the quote with Archival Ink jet black, stenciled the stars (PS018) with glass blue paint, stamped guacamole paint with the foam stamp, stamped the outline leaves with Archival Ink fern green, added some shading on the leaves with a marker, stamped the flower with London bus paint, added white dots to the centers using snowflake paint and the end of a paint brush, and distressed the edges.  This is layered to a piece of smoothy painted with old gold, tied with red twine and then attached to the folded white card.

This second card is very simple and totally doable if you need a lot of Christmas cards.  Onto smoothy card the quote is stamped with Archival, stamped the foam leaves with guacamole paint, stamped the outline leaves with Archival Ink jet black, stamped the flowers with London bus paint, added the white dots using snowflake paint and the end of a paintbrush, distressed the edges and layered to a panel painted with mermaid.

This background is a print using a round Gelli plate.  I brayered guacamole and mermaid onto the gelli plate and stamped into the paint with the leaves stamp which removed paint from the plate.  I quickly wiped off the stamp and restamped to remove paint until I had enough leaves and pulled my print.  Next I was sure to get all the paint cleaned off my stamp.  Onto this print I randomly stamped the music image with Archival Ink viridian and the text image with Archival Ink sky blue. I stamped the bird with Archival Ink jet black and embossed it with clear powder.  The quote and words are stamped with jet black.  The little circles image is stamped with Archival Ink cornflower blue stamping off once onto scrap paper before onto my project.  I cut out the print with a circle cutter, distressed the edges and added added red ribbon using a tiny attacher.  This is attached to a circle of heavy smoothy and the edges distressed. 

Another simple card.  I stamped the bird with Versamark ink and embossed it with clear powder onto heavy smoothy.  Next I used watered down London bus paint to add color spraying the piece with water and blotting as needed.  The quote is stamped with Archival Ink jet black and the panel attached to a white base.


  1. Ok Wanda, so EACH one of these projects are simply gorgeous! You are on a roll to be sure! They really are awesome colors and I really like the stamps as well! I've never seen a project you do that I don't like, hence why they love you over at PaperArtsy! Love them all my friend. Blessings! :)

  2. Wanda
    Such gorgeous samples you created with those beautiful new stamps.
    I love the way you embellished the branch with those tiny red flowers. You showcased the stamps to perfection on each sample.

  3. Glorious work, Wanda, love the foam stamp idea and the roundgelli plate!

    Lucy x

  4. Glorious work, Wanda, love the foam stamp idea and the roundgelli plate!

    Lucy x

  5. Ooh Wanda. I meant to comment on your blog yesterday but time slipped by! I love how you created a foam stamp to complement the line stamp. That's so clever and creative of you. I love the fact it doesn't quite match up too. Love your samples and your use of colour.


I'm so glad you've stopped by!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!! YOU are appreciated!!!