Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Class With Tammy Tutterow

This past Saturday I took one of Tammy's classes being offered at Memory Bound Scrapbook Store in Ankeny, Iowa.  We worked on burlap panels and used lots of layers and textures.  It was a wonderful class!!!!

Here is a pic of Tammy and I.

This was her opening screen before we got to the step-by-steps for the class.

More pictures of the my Hinged Burlap Panels.

When I left the house in the morning, as I was driving down the gravel, I looked in my rear-view mirror and had to stop and take a picture of this gorgeous sunrise. 


  1. Wanda, you are sooooooo lucky to be able to take so many wonderful classes with so many wonderful artists! I am so envious!!!! I know, I am not supposed to be envious, BUT I AM!!! Lucky you my friend! :) I love, love the panels that you did as well! Just vintage goodness, that's for sure!!! The sunset was an added blessing! Just lovely stuff my friend! :)

  2. Love this, how fun! But most of all I love to see your face! This picture shows how kind you are, and even though we have never met in person, I know what a wonderful and talented girl you are👌🏽

  3. Love the use of all the burlap...this is gorgeous.xxx

  4. Looks like an amazing class Wanda, your project is stunning! x

  5. A wonderful piece of art! Thanks for sharing your class project!


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