Friday, July 10, 2015

Every Day Is A Blessing

I hope you've been following along with all the fabulous new releases from PaperArtsy this week.  They've been showcasing different designers/collections/sets all week.  Click HERE to go to their blog.  Wednesday and Thursday showed all the new Lin Brown stamp sets - LOVE!!!  This panel uses a flower and stem from set ELB23 and the words are from set ELB22.  

My super talented friend, Michelle, was over last Friday for a visit and we played a bit.  She suggested a play with glue as a resist and then using watercolors.  I showed her my new stamps and we had to include flowers.  I don't have a picture of hers (she used a different flower, etc) but this is what I did.  The flowers are stamped with Archival Ink and then glue and we also made swirls and dots of glue in the background and dried the glue.  This was on watercolor paper.  At this point, since I wasn't too sure of what I was doing, I mostly watched her and then somewhat attempted to imitate what she was doing.  Her's looked so much better :)  Besides watercolor I also used a white gel pen (you can see that mostly in the narrow areas of the flowers) and also smudged a charcoal pencil around the flowers for shading.  I also splattered some paint.  Finally I decided to add some Glossy Accents in the center of the flowers and on the ends of the stamens.  After I was done messing with it and it was dry, I trimmed it down.  I attached some of these trimmed off pieces at the top and bottom of the panel and also stamped the words on one, cut them out, glued them on and added shading with a charcoal pencil.  I'm really pleased with the final product!!!!

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