Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Delightful Adventure

I had a little "just play" time last week.  Sometimes we need to do that!!!!  But lets back up just a bit...   Jennifer McGuire had a post on her blog a couple weeks ago about No-Clog Fine-Tip Adhesive Solutions and after checking it out I bought some of the ScraPerfect No-Clog Writing Caps and I've also bought some of the Fineline Applicators that she mentions although I haven't used them yet.  I did put one of the No-Clog caps on my Glossy Accents bottle and love it.  I also thought... "I wonder if it will fit on a bottle of Fresco Finish Paint and how that might work" so I grabbed a bottle of paint (bougainvillea because I was rather obsessed with that color at that moment) and the cap went on just fine and the paint came out just fine.  How cool is that!!!!  Things were busy and the bottle sat.  Then last week I just had to do something with it and what better thing then a journal page.  I had no plan... at all!!!  I drew some flowers, first the outside and then added a circle with swirls to the center.  I'm not that good at drawing, even simple flowers but that's ok :)  I painted in the flowers with candy floss and zesty zing in the centers.  Since I love texture I grabbed a Tim Holtz stencil and Wendy's embossing paste and added some random stenciling around the flowers.  After that was dry I decided I would do some glazing.  Now years ago I had bought a bunch of bottles of Golden glazes and they have mostly just sat (sad, I know!!) and they had been on my mind, so, that's what I pulled out.  I first glazed over the whole page with Fresco Cream glaze and used a baby wipe to clean it off.  It actually looked good but I thought more color would be nice so I glazed again with Patina Green and wiped it back with a baby wipe.  It was at this point that I thought about gesso and how the paper in my journal was absorbent and I hadn't gessoed first and maybe I should have.  However, I like how it came out so all is well.  I added some script stamping with Archival Ink tree branch.  I had drawn a flower in the upper left corner that was ugly and so when I added the embossing paste I did that corner hoping to kind of hide it but that didn't work very well so I stippled toffee paint all around the edges.  This is a nice color that I don't think I'd used before (shame on me).   I thought I should do more with the flowers and I had another cap so I put it on an extra bottle of snowflake and added all the white dots.  I also did the centers of the flowers again with bougainvillea.  To finish it up, I added Florentine Treasure Gold around the edges and lightly over the other textured areas.  Put on some of the Tim Holtz large chit chat stickers, went around them with a marker and added dots of bougainvillea by the words and also around the page.  It was a fun play!!!!!  Just to be clear - the paints I used were all PaperArtsy Fresco Finish paints and the glazes I used were Golden.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Wanda,
    Your frescoed picture turned out beautifully! Makes me want to go and play (usually its my daughter who does pen and ink drawings as she may minor in Art... :)). Really lovely!
    I've been playing with paint, but painting cabinets... ;)
    Also, been gardening, if you'd like to see my blogsite:; or on Weebly (the host) and
    Have a blessed evening!
    Barb Chapman :)


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