Monday, February 2, 2015

PaperArtsy Lin Brown Launch Day

Back on THIS blog post I shared little snippets using new PaperArtsy Lin Brown stamps and now you get to see the whole projects.  

You must go over to the PaperArtsy Blog and see all the launch posts this week.  They started yesterday with the paint post and run all the way through Saturday.... Sooo Exciting!!!!  The direct link to the post focusing on the new Lin Brown releases is HERE and it includes a wonderful video that I'm also embedding on my blog.....

All the new PaperArtsy products have shipped to retailers and can be purchased right away.

I created 4 projects using stamps from Lin's new sheets ELB15 amd ELB16.  I knew as soon as I saw the large flower image and the quote that I wanted to make a garden and it was the first thing I created.  The base is heavy snoothy card and is sized 8" x 8".  The flowers are stamped on the base and also twice each on smoothy card.  For some of them I painted the smoothy card before painting and others I painted after stamping.  I also stamped an extra bottom part for each onto smoothy. For each flower I cut out one whole flower, then I cut out just the bottom with the front flower petals, and then finally just the bottom which means there are 3 layers for each flower and then they are glued to the background. 

So as not to make this post too long and because there are others sharing samples with new Lin stamps (see them all on the PaperArtsy blog - linked above) I will just show one pic of the other 3 samples for now and will get more detailed with them over the next couple of weeks.


  1. Congratulations on your gorgeous samples Wanda. The tropical flower garden is stunning.

  2. Those flowers look amazing Wanda! Gorgeous colours!
    Alison xxx

  3. Stunning projects Wanda - love the colours so much! X

  4. Wanda these are some of the loveliest projects I have ever seen! They are glorious and a joy! xxx

  5. I just became a follower. i thought i already was, but I think that must have been on Facebook and Twitter! I can't keep up with it all! Anyway, your work is lovely. xxx

  6. Totally beautiful projects wanda!! Thanks for your support. What you made is so beautiful!!

  7. All of your work is really very good...stunning most of the time. Today I have to say the dandelions hit me with the most impact! Maybe it was the verse. What ever it is it was HUGE and I love them! TFS

  8. Thank you so much Wanda for joining me with the launch of my new stamps and paints. I loved your samples, they were simply beautiful.

    Lin x

  9. Aaaaaargh!!! What gorgeous samples made with such great stamps and paints. The designs and colours are just wonderful. These will be flying off the shelves!
    Love to you all -- Sally in France xo

  10. LOVE these new images, and love your make! Colorful and fun!

  11. Lovely vibrant flowers fabulous samples with these new stamps.


  12. Gorgeous samples Wanda but I wouldn't expect anything less from you!! Fabulous inspiration, love Lin's new mind keeps wandering with ideas. Wonderful! Ruth xx


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