Friday, October 10, 2014

The Strength I Need

A card for a friend in the hospital.  I sprayed Dylusions spray onto white cardstock, stamped the leaf with Archival Ink and stamped it a few more times along the bottom.  Stamped the scripture (Our Daily Bread Designs) with jet black.  Inked the edges with Distress Ink and then distressed them with the Distress tool.  Added doodling with a Pitt pen and finally added some stenciling to the background as it seemed too plain.


  1. A truly stunning card. Your friend will draw comfort from it no doubt! X

  2. Precious card Wanda. I like your doodling details and it's a great stamp.

  3. Stunning card, Wanda. Your friend will love it and the scripture is such a good one.


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