Friday, October 17, 2014

Piano Birthday

A card for sweet boy (young man) that loves to play piano.  I determined the size of my card to allow for the stamped scripture (Roann Mathias) and the stamped piano (I Brake For Stamps), laid TCW stencil onto the white cardstock and sprayed with Dylusions.  My intention was to just get some of the center design but quickly got over spray so went with it.  I used some piano key washi tape along where the edges of the stencil were plus an extra piece in the lower left corner for fill.  I couldn't have planned it better... I loved how it came out.  The scripture is stamped with jet black Archival.  The piano is stamped on a scrap with Versamark and embossed in black, circle punched, and edges inked.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Wanda- this explodes with music! Piano key washi tape- fabulous. Very uplifting card!


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