Saturday, September 27, 2014

Left Over Paint

I sent this card to a sweet young lady that's in her second year of college.  Just before heading back to college in August she came over for a few hours to get painty.  When she had finished her canvas she had some paint left over on her craft sheet so I got a brush and swiped it across a piece of white cardstock.  I wanted to make her a card using that piece of paper.  I embossed the piece with an embossing folder, inked over it, and added some Treasure Gold around the edges.  The elephant (an old Embossing Arts Co. stamp) is stamped onto a light grey cardstock and additional color added with Distress markers.  The scripture is an Our Daily Bread Designs stamp.

Sometimes college (and life in general) can be a struggle, but God is always there, He always answers (and it's always the answer we NEED), and He will deliver us!!!!


  1. What a lovely gift to make for your young friend using her leftover paint, Wanda!

    Lucy x

  2. This is fabulous Wanda! I love your card and I'm very inspired by it to try this.
    You have such fun playdates!

  3. I definitely love that elephant!!!!! It is amazing! hugs, Patty

  4. nicely done mom!! love how well the background turned out :)


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