Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wired Flowers

It all started when I saw THIS POST and also THIS POST  on Holly Eastabrook's blog.  I loved Holly's wired flowers and promptly sent links to one of my BFFs, Michelle, as she was coming over for a play day.  Michelle also thought they were great and, yes, this would be a good project for the day.  Michelle and her bouquet are the first pictures below.  The paper she used for her flowers is vellum and she colored it with alcohol inks.  She's much faster at working then me and got hers done the afternoon she was over.  

I didn't get mine finished that day but did finish it up (pictures below).  I also used alcohol inks for color but used them on white glossy paper.  I also added Distress glitter to my flower petals after they were put together.  I needed something to put my flower in so got out an old vase and crackled it.  A technique that Wendy Vecchi shared on her blog last year I think.  Brush a coat of glue 'n seal on the glass, let it dry, put a coat of Distress Crackle paint rock candy on and let it dry.  I then colored the crackle with alcohol inks and brushed over all of it with Glossy Accents.  Sometimes little bit will flake off and I didn't want that so I used the Glossy Accents.  I then mailed it to my daughter and she tells me she loves it. 


  1. Lovely Wanda! The vase turned out great! I am still looking for my 'perfect' vase! But I am really enjoying my flowers and how they never seem to wilt! Hugs!~Michelle

  2. The 2 of you made some beautiful flowers !!!

  3. These are all gorgeous! The vase is beautifully done too. Just fantastic Wanda!


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