Monday, July 7, 2014

Create in me...

A fun card!!  I started with white cardstock and glued a piece of Tim Holtz's tissue wrap to it.  I added color with Fresco Finish paints and then stenciled (PaperArtsy Lin Brown) the dots with Archival Ink.  The flowers are stenciled (again PaperArtsy Lin Brown) with Wendy Vecchi's white embossing paste.  After the paste was dry I added color with Fresco Finish paints.  The dots on the flowers are from the same stencil and are put on with snowflake FF paint.  A white marker was used around the flowers and along the stem/leaves.  A black pen was also used along the stem/leaves.  The scripture stamp is from Our Daily Bread Designs.  The other words and butterflies are Tim Holtz rub-ons.  Some Treasure Gold is rubbed along the edges.  

I'm linking this to The Mixed Media Card Challenge.


  1. So artistic and beautiful !!! One of my favorite verses from the Bible.

  2. Wanda I just love this card! I also love this a matter of fact part of my study this morning! Such prettiness!!!!

  3. Beautiful card and scripture Wanda. Thanks so much for welcoming me back to the art blogger fold xxx

  4. This is a stunning card Wanda! I'm really enjoying all of the bible verses too, reminding me that I need to dip into it more!
    Alison xxx

  5. Hi Wanda. Another beauty with a gorgeous mix of papers, stamping and dimension. You are on a roll!! :) Thanks again for playing along with us at Mixed Media Card Challenge.

  6. Wanda, what a wonderful artsy card. Your embossing paste on the flowers add great dimension. Thanks for for playing in the 1st Mixed Media Card Challenge!

  7. What a mixed media card! I just love how your blue blooms turned out - that texture and those dots. Thanks for joining our first MMCC.

  8. you are on a roll :) thanks for playing along with us!!! xxxx, Sanna


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