Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Krafty Tag - Vintage Kraft Kit

I'm sharing another of the projects I created using Suzanne's Vintage Kraft Kit.  I glued a #8 tag to the corrugated paper, let it dry and then trimmed the paper even with the tag.  Next I rubbed brushed corduroy Distress Stain right from the bottle over the tag allowing some spots to stay without stain.  After it was dry I inked around the edge with Distress Ink walnut stain and stenciled some spots using sequin waste and Distress Ink faded jeans.  The printed paper I used for the tag is the one that looks like a faded ledger page.  I cut a border using Spellbinders Classic Scallop die set, inked over the piece with faded jeans, and stamped thank you with Archival Ink jet black.  I took the left-over piece from cutting the border, flipped it around and layered it as shown (no inking).  The butterfly is cut with Spellbinders Nested Butterflies Two die and the edges of the wings are inked with faded jeans.  For the center of the butterfly I used a scrap of the same printed paper but flipped it to the back side, created a paper bead and squished the bead flat.... Cool, huh!!!!  The flower is punched from the corrugated paper, the edges inked with faded jeans, sprayed it well with water, scrunched it up and let it dry.  This bled the ink inward and created wonderful wrinkles with the corrugated lines still showing a bit.  The center of the flower and dots to the butterfly are punched from scraps of the printed paper.  The white ribbon was colored with the brushed corduroy stain, scrunched, dried, twisted to make is narrower and tied around the tag. 


  1. I love all the vintage look tags you are doing. You are a master at this technique !!!

  2. I love the blues with brown, this is a pretty vintage tag Wanda

  3. Love the way you've really used the corrugated pattern to great advantage on this tag Wanda. Jenny x


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