Saturday, February 15, 2014

Queen of Hearts 2014 .... and the winner is............

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who visited and those of you that left comments.  I really enjoyed reading each one and many of them were like receiving a hug right through my computer.  I like hugs!!!!!!!!!!!  

I used to pick a winner and that winner is  Linda T....
Linda T said...
What a beautiful tag Wanda! How creative. I've never tried the crackling but I would love too after seeing how lovely it looks. Thank you for sharing you're great ideas.
Happy Valentines Day!

Linda, Congratulations!!!!  Please email me (found in left sidebar) your address and QF will get you your prize!!!

This heart took like 10-15 minutes maybe to do.  All the color is done with Lyra Aquacolor crayons.  I took a scrap of watercolor paper and starting at the center drew a heart and  just kept adding colors around it.  It got lopsided but, oh well.  Cut out the heart.  I sprayed some water on it and then using a large brush wet with water I went over the heart, just as if you were drawing it, so that the colors blended out just a tiny bit.  I started drying it with my heat tool,  then thought I should crumple it and did... flattened it back out and finished drying it.  Next I stamped the quote (This heart longing for you Quietfire Companion set) using Ranger's Archival ink jet black.   The crackle (an old Paper Inspirations stamp) is stamped with Archival potting soil.  


  1. What a brilliant idea for a breaking heart! Very cool! Are you like me - having a hard time stopping making Valentines?

  2. I love this. The blended colors are so beautiful.

  3. This is really pretty, and perfect for the quote. Thanks, Wanda!

  4. I want to say a BIG Thank you for being chosen a winner! I am so excited.
    Hugs, Linda T

  5. Beautiful and what a wonderful quote.

  6. Hi Wanda. Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog. It's much appreciated! I am LOVING your water color-ish heart! Great colors and I love the sentiment. Very fitting for all of the smaller "cracks" surrounding the exterior portions of your heart. <3 Candy


I'm so glad you've stopped by!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!! YOU are appreciated!!!