Monday, January 20, 2014

love you forever

Isn't that "heartflake" cute!!! (Official name... Heart Snowflake)  I got a Silhouette Cameo for Christmas and the heartflake is one of the first things I cut while trying to figure out how it worked... now I've made it into a card.  The cut file is a Quietfire Design image and is available from Silhouette Here.  I've paired it with a stamp from Quietfire's new Calligraphic Love Bits set.  

For the background I used Ranger's Specialty stamping paper, Distress Stains worn lipstick, picket fence, and just a bit of tarnished brass.  I put the stains on a craft sheet, sprayed them with water and dipped the paper in, dried it, dipped again, dried it, and continued building up layers until I used up the stain.  Then I flicked on some water, let it sit just a bit, blotted it and dried it... and repeated again for even more light speckles.  Next I stamped on white paint with a Wendy Vecchi Studio 490 background stamp(Heirloom Art set).  It didn't stamp as well as I wanted so I did it again and, of course, didn't really get it lined up but it all came out ok.  " love you forever" is stamped with Ranger's Archival jet black.  The edges are distressed and have white paint sponged on.  It's layered to red cardstock and a piece of lace along with some red rickrack finish it up.

Oh, I almost forgot.  I sprayed the "heartflake" with Perfect Pearls perfect red giving it a little bit of shimmer which I tried to pick up in the following picture. 


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