Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Don't you just love these fun Dyan Reaveley Dylusions stamps!!!!  They crack me up!!!  Made this birthday card for a boy.  Also used some Perfect Pearls spray on the large fish that you can see better in the tilted picture.  Dylusion sprays in the background and used with a water brush for painting.  White pen to make all those eyes pop.

I sent the tag to our son this past summer while he was at camp.  The words were computer generated.  


  1. I love these! So much fun.

    Her stamps are some of my favorites. I think I have most of the newer ones and am thinking about getting some of the older series.


  2. What a card and tag! You can tell Dyan is a 'real serious' person can't you?! Thanks for the smile today, Wanda.

  3. OMG lol, I love the stamps!! Your artwork is great as always :) If you're bored sometime stamp a couple of those on blank cardstock and mail them to me :)

  4. Love how you used those stamps. They are a hoot. Have fun this weekend. Must be military graduations all over as my neighbor graduated from Marine boot camp in CA.


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