Monday, May 13, 2013

I Couldn't Stand It

I blogged this house last week (the post is HERE if you didn't see it), and I said I used the large flourished heart but when it was finished I wished I had used the small one.  

Well it's been sitting on my counter and I would cringe every time I saw it because the heart was just too big, so I ripped the heart off as best I could, put new paste on and added the smaller heart and now it looks like this.  Much better!!!


  1. I like it both ways!

  2. L love them both. A big heart is never wrong!

  3. I love them both but I do love the big heart..soooo pretty

  4. I like the little heart. Isn't it funny how you look at a piece of art and know it just isn't right. Just a little change and "Voila" it is much better.

  5. lol, so cute! How we torture ourselves over design. I understand oh so well. Okay, I looked at the quote first because it is in black, so the size of the heart didn't bother me at all! I like both. ;-) (but maybe the big one better... just to drive you crazy!)

  6. I think the quote stands out more with the smaller heart, but really, I think what is needed is a heart exactly in between these two sizes! Lol!

  7. Thank you for visiting me today Wanda and have just been catching up on all your fab makes, especially the brilliant canvas.

    I understand why you changed the heart size, it looks so much more balanced now. Beautiful. Hugs Annette x


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