Saturday, May 4, 2013

Angels Unawares

Quietfire Design has a new set of stamps called Home - Congratulations and they are currently 25% off.  This tag uses one of the stamps.  I put Distress Stains picked raspberry and squeezed lemonade on my craft sheet, sprayed on a little water and dipped the tag in it swirling a bit, dried it, dipped it again in the left overs (no swirling), blotted some of it off, dried it again, wiped up the craft sheet, lightly dabbed squeezed lemonade on the craft sheet several times (this made lots of little dots of color), pressed my tag straight down on the dots, picked it up, dried it, flicked on some water, blotted the tag and dried it.  I stamped the quote with Archival Ink jet black and dried it.  Stamped the small butterfly (Butterflies/Dragonflies set of stamps) here and there on the tag with Distress Ink spiced marmalade and dried it.  Repeated stamping but this time with Distress Ink picked raspberry.  Colored a scrap of manila card with spiced marmalade and squeezed lemonade stain, dried it, stamped the butterfly with picked raspberry ink, dried it, cut it out, went around the edge with a black Pitt pen, added pearls to the center and attached it to the tag with foam mounting tape.  Cut the butterfly on the edge die from manila card, trimmed it to fit, colored the butterflies with picked raspberry stain, both sides, dried it, inked around the edges of the butterflies with vintage photo ink, attached it to the tag with double stick tape along the bottom and foam mounting tape behind the butterflies to give some dimension and added the pearls.  Colored the ribbon with picked raspeberry and squeezed lemonade stain.  


  1. Love all the details of this tag! The colors are smashing!

  2. Awesome tag !!! Great sentiment that we all should live by.

  3. Oh, Wanda! This is just beautiful!! Thanks so much for using the stamp!

  4. This is a gorgeous tag Wanda, love the colour combination :)

  5. Gorgeous color combo, Wanda. Love that quote!


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