Monday, March 18, 2013

Using Your Words

I'm still plugging along with Carolyn Dube's Use Your Words Free Workshop.  This is from Lesson 3 - Random Letter Fun.  The full sheet of fun is the shared technique in this lesson and then I used a piece of it on the journal page below.  Also used on the journal page are Dylusion sprays around the edge; the lady is a Wendy Vecchi Studio 490 stamp, stamped and embossed with black onto a scrap piece of a Gelli plate print; the calligraphy quote is a Quietfire Design stamp; the leafy branch is a Sizzix die cut from watercolor paper and sprayed with Dylusions; at the bottom left of the lady is notebook paper waste sprayed with pink Dylusions. 


  1. What pops of color! Love how you pulled the know of of your bigger piece and you know how much I love Gelli prints!

  2. Cool Wanda I love the colors and the page.Have fun.
    susan s

  3. Love your artwork !!! I want to learn how to make gelli prints so I can have some cool backgrounds.

  4. Cool Wanda! Glad to see someone is still plugging along in that class.. I need to catch up!!

  5. Such great artwork! I love that you praly with important words, this will be such a wonderfull book for your family to treasure, and to remember you by, and such a great way of getting to know your values and your sence of beauty. I am in awe!


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