Friday, March 29, 2013

Joy Tag

This is a tag that I included with Nancy's canvas. A #8 tag.  Distress Paints for the background.  Tim Holtz Sizzix die for the flowers, cut from watercolor paper, colored with Distress Paints and water, attached together with a brad, crumpled and white paint brushed on the edges.  Both the vine and leaves are Sizzix dies.  The white dots on the vine and background and white lines around the edge are done with a Sharpie paint marker.  The scripture stamp is from Our Daily Bread Designs.    


  1. Gorgeous wanda and I love your canvas!!!!

  2. Another delightful piece - I really love the background!

  3. this is a joy made me smile..the colors are wonderful
    so fun and beautiful

  4. Oh this one is gorgeous! Nancy is the lucky one. Happy Easter, Wanda.

  5. Very inspirational tag !!! How did you do the background with distress paints ?? I have some and haven't used them much.

  6. That's absolutely gorgeous Wanda!

  7. Absolutely FABULOUS! I love the scripture! Perfect! Gorgeous color and design!


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