Saturday, February 2, 2013


Some winter themed ATCs... and it's felt a lot like winter here the past few days - first rain turning to snow and then plummeting temps for a couple of days.  The temps are headed back up this weekend to closer to freezing - yay!!  

I can't give credits for the images used on these as they were part of package of fun stuff I received back from the hostesses of our last local mail in swap, but I had fun using just some of what was in that package.

I love these images - the trees and then the vintage snowman.  I couldn't resist creating a frame with embossing paste and sprinkling on Distress rock candy dry glitter. The snowman is on foam tape so he stands out more.  


  1. These are all wonderful! Love that little snow guy & the framing snow!

  2. I love this reminds me of the wonderful days of my child hood. I love them they are just beautiful.
    susan s

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  4. These are fantastically beautiful ATC's, dear Wanda!

    Congratulations on your VPI WTA win this month. I am sending your ATC next week.

  5. Beautiful cards. Almost too pretty to put away after the holidays! I usually keep at least one favourite card displayed in my china cabinet after the holidays...especially one that is hand made. It's so sweet sparkling away all year long.
    Thanks for sharing these pretty confections! :)


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