Monday, February 11, 2013


I signed up for Carolyn Dube's Free online workshop titled Use Your Words and the first video was today. 

My page is similar to hers - I loved her orange and yellow color combo - I just added to it a bit.  The words were influence by an article I also read today found Here.  I had a lot of fun doing the "can't really read it and don't want to be able to" journaling - I hadn't done that before and it really was lots of Fun!!!!  I wish I hadn't put that drip of orange up in the corner but I'll live with it.


  1. I signed up for this class too- love your page- and the orange drip too. I look forward to watching the first video : )

  2. I like the drip too! It's like you're saying it's fine! Or you could make it into a balloon, but I like the drip.

  3. I signed up too, pretty cool! Love your page..and that drip is just FINE!!! lol..

  4. Great page says another who'll be watching the video tonight! :)

  5. I should but I need more time in my day! Love the fiery colors!

  6. That's gorgeous, Wanda! And so weird... I have C's video playing right now as I am blog hopping and just as I opened your page she said "And that's fine!" as she was positioning the word Puns. Creeped me out for a sec, the timing was just crazy.

  7. It's a beautiful page Wanda & a great sentiment!
    Happy Sunday!
    Alison x


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