Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gelli Printing

Our daughter and her family have been here all week and we've fit in art time when we could.  Yesterday we spent the morning playing with my Gelli plates.  So much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Here are some of my prints...

These next two prints were done over the cardstock we were cleaning the brayers on.

And here are some of my daughters prints.


  1. Very cool! Great colors and movement on these backgrounds. Can't wait to see how you use them.

  2. I've always wanted some of these gelli plates...may need to get some! Your prints are all wonderful!

  3. Isn't it fun playing with those Gelli plates? Love all your unique prints!

  4. Great prints!!! All the better since it was art time with your daughter!

  5. love your beautiful combinations and how fun to have family to create with!

  6. You got some really unusual prints going on. How did you get the ones with the rectangles and squares? I will have to try some black next time!

  7. Great variety of colors patterns and textures! Loving the botanical ones especially!

    ;-> Felicia
    The Journal Junkie


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